Articles published in 2017

Preparing For The ‘Fourth Quarter’

By Jim Mathis Life can be compared to a football or basketball game, or perhaps the final minutes of a soccer match. At some point you reach the fourth quarter. You feel tired, maybe hurting a little, but there is still time on the clock. There are still plays to be made. Chances are, they are the most important plays of the game. This is where you win or lose the contest.

Guarding The Most Valuable Assets

By Jim Lange A while ago, my family and I were driving to Florida for a vacation when my wife pointed to the sign painted on the back of a truck. It read, “Our most valuable asset sits 63 feet ahead” (referring to the driver of the truck). That message seemed amazing to me. In this age of corporate self-indulgence, where greed often rules, this seemed very refreshing – a company that truly seemed to value its employees.

The Power – And Peril – Of The Spoken Word

By Robert D. Foster Josiah Wedgwood, English maker of the famous Wedgwood pottery, was showing a nobleman through his factory. One of the Wedgwood employees, a young teenager, was accompanying them. The nobleman was profane and vulgar in his conversation with Mr. Wedgwood. At first, the boy was visibly shocked by the language. Then the teenager’s demeanor changed markedly. He became fascinated by the distinguished individual's coarse jokes and laughed at them.

God Says You Are Valuable

By Rick Warren Do you, your spouse, a coworker, or even a good friend enjoy changing things on a regular basis? Perhaps it involves rearranging the furniture or decorations in a room at your home. Or redefining the business of your company – what, how, and why it is done. Or maybe you find yourself getting restless after a period of time and desiring to change jobs, companies, or even careers.